
Why we need funding?

Currently the Shark and Marine Research Institute is a self-sustainable NPO in its third year of operating. Our research has so far been made possible through the shark cage diving industry in Gansbaai and more specifically through White Shark Diving Company, our volunteer/internship funds and other private investors.

With our aims and objectives in place, we have various projects on the go and we are desperately looking for additional funding to be able to continue our work.

We need assistance in covering the costs of our fieldwork, which includes boat maintenance and running costs, sourcing various equipment and some equipment upgrades. More specifically we need a new SLR camera, Go Pros x 4, laptop(s), analysis software, baited remote underwater camera rigs, sampling equipment and eventually we would also like to purchase a larger research vessel.

We also need assistance with general running costs, such as the current rental of our premises, vehicles, salaries for additional research assistants, staff training courses and educational equipment for our volunteers and local school children that we work with.

You can make a donation either directly to the Shark & Marine Institute’s South African bank account below or via the GIVENGAIN donation service Every little bit helps! Please help us raise funds to protect South Africa’s sharks, conserve our marine environment, and operate our community outreach projects.

  • US $100 will fund 100 conventional spaghetti tags for tagging small shark species
  • US $500 will cover the cost of one acoustic tag
  • US $1000 will fund educational shark cage diving trips for disadvantaged learners
  • US $10000 will assist in starting to develop new technology for tracking and learning about great white sharks


To make a once-off donation – or to set up a monthly direct debit.

Account Type: Business Account (FNB) Account Number: 62720287285 Branch Name: HERMANUS, C.P 247 Branch Code: 200412 SWIFT Code: FIRNZAJJ



To make a credit card payment from anywhere in the world, you can donate via GivenGain.

Donate via GivenGain



Join our volunteer programme and make a positive difference to the world’s oceans! Our shark conservation programme offers participants the chance to actively contribute to our research projects. To find out more go to our ABOUT page.


Whether it is donating vessels or vehicles, tags or equipment, money or manpower, each of our corporate sponsors play an enormous role in helping us save our Great White Sharks. If you think your company, staff or products can get behind us and help in any way, please contact us to discuss your potential collaboration.




If you have a great idea on how else to raise funds for the Shark and Marine Institute, please get in touch with us! Whether you have a great product or service, would like to donate an on-going portion of your profits, or you’re just an avid fundraiser who’s great at getting people together for good causes – we would love to hear from you.

Suggest an idea